On the 8th and 9th the monthly launch event was held in Orangeburg, SC. I decided to visit for the first time and took along some rockets to fly. On Saturday I spectated which I enjoyed very much. Sunday it was time to fly my own rockets.
I came with my Fat Boy, Maxi Alpha 3 and cluster Der V3. With the exception of not securing an Estes igniter correctly I had no mishaps. All my flights had beautiful flights.
First up was my Fat Boy on a C6-5.

Then came the Maxi Alpha 3 on it's maiden flight using a D12-3 engine. I had specifically shopped for "D" engines the day before only to forget them at home where I was staying.
Thankfully someone at the field had a pack of D12-3's so I could fly the Maxi Alpha 3 after all.

Highlight for my rockets was the maiden flight off my Der V3 using a cluster of one "D" and two "C" engines.
I started with only one D12-7 engine and two dummy "C" engines. The Der V3 flew great.
On the second flight I used one D11-P and two C6-7's which turned out to be the perfect combo. I'm told the flight went well over 1000 feet.

My last flights of the weekend where the Fat Boy and Der V3 (on a single D12-7).

The two rockets landed only several feet from each other.

I had a great time and it was wonderful meeting all the very nice people! I'm looking forward to the next launch meet in Orangeburg SC!