Click on the image for a larger picture.
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
A.S.P. 0862 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1981 - 1984 Solid Items mint (resealed)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
A.S.P. 0862 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1981 - 1984 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
A.S.P. 0862 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1981 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Has a regular price tag $4.00 US and a "Special" price tag $2.00 US.
The main body tube has a crease and might need to be replaced. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
A.S.P. 0862 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1981 - 1984 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Price tag "Special" $2.00 US.
This kit version came with a PNC-20N nose cone instead of a BNC-20N + screw eye. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
AIM-9 Sidewinder 2125 Estes Industries Scale 1996 - 1998 Solid Items mint (opened)
2 Mike Dorffler Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Aerobee 300 1217 Estes Industries Scale 1965 - 1978 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/15 scale
Old Catalog No.: K-17 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Aerobee 300 1217 Estes Industries Scale 1965 - 1978 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/15 scale
Old Catalog No.: K-17 |
I purchased this rocket from LW Bercini on the Model Rocket Forum. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Air Commander 3219 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2011 - 2015 Solid Under construction
1 Mike Dorffler and John Boren JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Air Commander 3219 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2011 - 2015 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Mike Dorffler and John Boren JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Airborne Surveillance Missile 0867 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1983 - 1985 Solid 2011 Operational View log (2)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I purchased this rocket on eBay from the seller "jharding58".
I swapped the streamer with a 12" parachute. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alien Invader 1281 Estes Industries Futuristic 1976 - 1980 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Alien Space Probe 2038 Estes Industries Futuristic 1990 - 1992 Solid Mint (unopened)
5 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1966 - 2003 Solid Operational
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
The most popular Estes model rocket. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1982 - 1996 Solid 07.08.2016 Operational
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I started this rocket in 1988 and it took me 28 years to finish it! |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1966 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This is the teachers kit version which didn't have a paper hang tag. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1966 - 2003 Solid 1981 Operational View log (11)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This rocket was built sometime in June 1981.
It has seen many flights in Europe. I have converted it to streamer as it gets out of sight on a C6-7. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1966 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1972 - 1972 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Used to order free educator's kit for teachers at schools. The factory box said "Live Frogs Enclosed".
The kit included an Alpha model rocket, Estes catalog (here 1972), Teachers Guide and more. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1966 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
5 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... Beta series |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1975 - 1975 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Used to order free educators kit for teachers at schools. The factory box said "Live Frogs Enclosed".
The kit included an Alpha model rocket, Estes catalog (here 1975), Teachers Guide and more. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1966 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
The face card shows the colors of the decal in black and red. However decal inside the kit is blue and red.
Also, the Alpha III plastic nose cone is used with this kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1966 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
The kit comes with a black and red decal sheet. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Alpha 1225 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1966 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
The kit comes with a black and red decal sheet. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Alpha III 1256 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 2003 Solid 1981 Operational
1 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Bill Simon Ye Olde Rocket Plan... Estes first all plastic fin unit and nose cone
D-14 decal was added in 1973
Old Kit No.: K-56 |
I restored this rocket by replacing the body tube and adding the decals on 5th Oct. 2008.
Instructions |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Alpha III 1256 Estes Industries Sport Flier Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Orange fin can with black body tube. Bagged with no header card. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Alpha III (Umarex) 1256 Estes Industries Sport Flier Solid Mint (unopened)
4 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Bill Simon Ye Olde Rocket Plan... Estes first all plastic fin unit and nose cone
D-14 decal was added in 1973
Old Kit No.: K-56 |
This kit was made by Estes for a German company called Umarex (Kit-No. 221256) and sold in the mid to late 80's. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Trivia: |
Alpha III Starter Set 1406 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1975 - 2000 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Bill Simon Estes first all plastic fin unit and nose cone. |
Mid 70's rocket starter set. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Trivia: |
Alpha III Starter Set 1406 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Bill Simon Estes first all plastic fin unit and nose cone. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Trivia: |
Alpha III Starter Set 1406 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Bill Simon Estes first all plastic fin unit and nose cone. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Trivia: |
Alpha III Starter Set (Umarex) 1406 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1986 - 1988 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Bill Simon Estes first all plastic fin unit and nose cone.
Umarex Catalog No.: 221406 |
The seller from whom I bought this kit meant well and took off the plastic shrink wrap to additionally pack each item in the box so no damage would occur while being shipped.
Ah well.. I only paid $10 for the starter set so there is no lose :-)
The three B6-4 engines are dated from 1987. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Trivia: |
Alpha III Starter Set (Umarex) 1406 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1986 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Bill Simon Estes first all plastic fin unit and nose cone.
Umarex Catalog No.: 221406 |
Kit has a price tag 39.90 DM. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Alpha IV (Astron ) 1258 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1998 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
This kit was a grift given to me on the 12th March 2005 from my good friend Eugenio in Florida. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Antares 1276 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1976 - 1982 Solid 27.08.1981 Operational View log (1)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Antares 1276 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1976 - 1982 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Arcas 1226 Estes Industries Scale 1966 - 1977 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/3.4 scale.
Old Catalog No.: K-26 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Argosy 1988 Estes Industries Futuristic 1988 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Army Hawk 2031 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1990 - 1992 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... For Europe Kit No.: 2811 |
This is the German boxed version.
Decal (600 DPI)
Balsa Fins (600 DPI) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Ascender 9706 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2014 - 2020 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: |
Ascender 2-Stage 9706 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2014 - 2020 Solid 07.11.2014 Operational View log (16)
1 |
This is a modified version built as 2-stage with a homemade altimeter called "ALTDuino" for dual deploy recovery.
This rocket resides in South Carolina USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Astro 1937 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1985 - 1991 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Astro Bee 1356 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1981 - 1986 Solid Items mint (resealed)
2 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Astro-Blaster 2073 Estes Industries Boost Glider 1992 - 1996 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Larry Renger JimZ Rocket Plan... |
The Astro-Blaster is a rocket powered glider and can also be converted to gas (e.g. COX "Blackwidow" .049 glow fuel engine).
It has also been converted to electric (Speed 400) power.
Astro-Blaster Decal |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Astrocam 110 1327 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1979 - 1991 Solid Operational View log (11)
1 Mike Dorffler Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Had several flights with this model. The pictures taken turned out satisfactory. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Astrocam 110 1327 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1979 - 1991 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Mike Dorffler Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Astrocam 110 1327 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1993 - 1998 Solid Operational View log (4)
1 Mike Dorffler Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
This Astrocam version uses 200 ASA film. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Astrocam 110 1327 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1979 - 1991 Solid Items mint (resealed)
1 Mike Dorffler Ye Olde Rocket Plan... Kit number for the German market #301327.
Comes with German instructions. |
Price tag DM87.90 and €44.94.
This kit was sold by Simprop Electronic. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Astroid Hunter 3224 Estes Industries Futuristic 2012 - 2015 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Astron Alpha K-25 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1965 Solid Items mint (opened)
2 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This is the oldest kit I have in my line-up. It was the first version to be produced by Estes and came in a plastic bag without a paper hang tag. Later pre Demon Alpha kits came with a yellow paper hang tag which I also have. However it is missing some parts.
This particular kit was missing the parachute. I used a mint parachute from my spare Astron Alpha to make it complete.
Backside view of the kit |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Astron Alpha K-25 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1965 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Astron Elliptic II 2447 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2011 - 2015 Solid 2015.05.15 Operational View log (2)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This rocket holds an unofficial world record for being the smallest 2-stage dual deploy recovery rocket.
The flight took place at NSL 2015 in Orangeburg SC, USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Astron Elliptic II 2447 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2011 - 2015 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Astron Explorer 7264 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2017 Solid Under construction
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Astron Explorer 7264 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2017 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Astron Skydart II 3229 Estes Industries Boost Glider 2012 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Trivia: |
Astron Sprint XL 7224 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2013 - 2016 Solid Under construction
1 Mike Zaborowski-Hobbico This rocket is a tribute to the late Estes model rocket designer Mike Dorffler. He designed
the Astron Sprint back in the early years of Estes Industries. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Trivia: |
Astron Sprint XL 7224 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2013 - 2016 Solid Mint (unopened)
5 Mike Zaborowski-Hobbico This rocket is a tribute to the late Estes model rocket designer Mike Dorffler. He designed
the Astron Sprint back in the early years of Estes Industries. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Astron Streak K-4 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1963 - 1978 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Vernon Estes JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Athena 2026 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1998 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Kit is missing the chrome nose cone but I have a spare. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Athena 2026 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Avenger 1238 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1969 - 1981 Solid 1983 Operational View log (1)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... United States Patent 3292302 (Multistage Model Rocket)
Old Kit-No.: K-38 |
This is a 2 stage model. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Bandit 1248 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1970 - 1982 Solid Items damaged (opened)
1 Bill Simon, Wayne Kellner, Mike Dorffler, John Simmance and Mark Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Catalog No.: K-48
This kit uses an ejection ducting system and therefore does not need recovery wadding. |
All body tubes are crushed and most will need to be replaced.
The balsa nose cone also has a big crushed dent that needs to be taken care of.
The decal has completely yellowed over time as well. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper 1310 Estes Industries Futuristic 1979 - 1979 Solid Operational
1 Keith Niskern with some kit involvement from Wayne Kellner and Bruce Paton JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Picture gallery:
Side view of the Viper
Viper decal |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper 1310 Estes Industries Futuristic 1979 - 1979 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Keith Niskern with some kit involvement from Wayne Kellner and Bruce Paton JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Battlestar Galactica Laser Torpedo 1311 Estes Industries Futuristic 1979 - 1979 Solid Items mint (opened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Beta 0845 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1972 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-45
mini-BRUTE Series |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Beta 0845 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1972 - 1984 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-45
mini-BRUTE Series |
Price Tag: KAY-BEE $2.50 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Beta 0845 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1972 - 1984 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-45
mini-BRUTE Series |
Kit has an original price tag $4.50 US and a "Special" price tag $1.99 US.
Kit contains a PNC-20N nose cone instead of a BNC-20N + screw eye. Not sure if the nose cone was swapped by someone other than Estes. Bag does have a cut. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Beta 0845 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1972 - 1984 Solid Under construction
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-45
mini-BRUTE Series |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Beta 0845 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1972 - 1984 Solid Items mint (resealed)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-45
mini-BRUTE Series |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Big Bertha 1223 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1965 - 1985 Solid Under construction
1 Vern Estes JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit-No.: K-32 |
This is the original 70's version without decals. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Big Bertha 1948 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1986 - 2006 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 Vern Estes JimZ Rocket Plan... |
2 kits are German boxed versions Kit-No. 2807. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Big Bertha 1948 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1986 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Vern Estes JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Big Daddy 2162 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1998 Solid Items mint (resealed)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Big Yank 0868 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1984 - 1986 Solid 08.05.2011 Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Birdie K-44 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1969 - 1971 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... Badminton shuttlecock rocket with featherweight recovery.
Old Kit No.: TK-44 |
This is an old Estes Astron Birdie and is a perfectly preserved example of an Estes classic!
I think the Birdie was certainly one of the most novelty of all rockets in the Estes lineup.
Instructions Page 1
Instructions Page 2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Black Brant II 1958 Estes Industries Scale 1986 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Black Brant II 1958 Estes Industries Scale 1986 - 1998 Solid Under construction
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Black Brant III 1293 Estes Industries Scale 1978 - 1982 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Mike Dorffler JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Black Brant III 1293 Estes Industries Scale 1978 - 1982 Solid Operational
1 Mike Dorffler JimZ Rocket Plan... |
A somewhat other color scheme.
Picture gallery:
Nose cone close-up. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Black Brant III 1293 Estes Industries Scale Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/10th Scale Sounding Rocket |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Blue Bird Zero 1335 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1980 - 1985 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I purchased this rocket from LW Bercini on the Model Rocket Forum. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Bomarc 0657 Estes Industries Scale 1978 - 1980 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Larry Renger JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/24 scale
Parachute recovery
Old Kit No.: KC-5 |
This version uses parachute recovery. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Bomarc Citation 0654 Estes Industries Scale 1972 - 1977 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Larry Renger JimZ Rocket Plan... Estes first vacuformed kit parts.
1/24 scale
Glide recovery
Old Kit No.: MK-5 |
This kit has the rare original copper colored plastic cone. It is very brittle and has a crack. That is probably why Estes changed the nose cone to a hollowed out balsa version later on.
Included are 2 Estes B6-2 engines dated 4/30/71. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Broadsword 2093 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1994 - 1996 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Essentially this is an upscaled Big Bertha. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Bullpup 12D 1972 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1987 - 1995 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
CC Express 1302 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2002 - 2015 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Cajun 2028 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1991 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... German packaged kit no.: 227006 |
Decal (600 DPI) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Cajun 2028 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1991 Solid Under construction
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Decal (600 DPI) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Calypso 2006 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1989 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Centuri 3232 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2013 - 2019 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: |
Challenger-1 1416 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1977 - 1986 Solid 30.04.2011 Operational
1 |
Engines included in this starter kit are:
2 x A8-3 dated Apr 18, 1983
1 x B6-4 dated Feb 28, 1983
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Challenger-1 1416 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1977 - 1986 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 |
I got this starter set as a bundle with other vintage rockets.
Missing contents:
1 x Catalog (assumption)
3 x Engines (2 x A8-3 and 1 x B6-4)
2 x Strips solar igniters
1 x 12 foot lead wire (type LW-24KB) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Challenger-II 1330 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1980 - 1985 Solid Operational
1 This rocket is used to carry the AstroCam 110 up to 1200 feet on a "D" engine. |
Instructions (300 DPI) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Cherokee-E 2408 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 This is a Hobby Lobby exclusive kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Citation Patriot 0652 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2018 - 2022 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Cobra 1500 1294 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1978 - 1984 Solid Operational View log (1)
1 Mike Dorffler Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Comanche-3 1382 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1982 - 1998 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Comanche-3 7245 Estes Industries Multi-Stager Solid Items mint (resealed)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Comanche-3 7245 Estes Industries Multi-Stager Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Corsair 1999 Estes Industries Futuristic 1988 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Cosmic Explorer 2421 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2010 - 2015 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Cosmic Intercepter 1351 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2013 - 2016 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Cosmos Mariner 2190 Estes Industries Boost Glider 2005 - 2009 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Crossbow SST 7207 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2010 - 2012 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 |
A special thanks to Allen Madden Jr. for this gift (March 2010)!
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Crusader Swing-Wing Glider 1961 Estes Industries Boost Glider 1986 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
D-Region Tomahawk 2037 Estes Industries Scale 2007 - 2014 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 1/5th Scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Dark Energy 7219 Estes Industries Futuristic 2012 - 2014 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Dark Silver 7229 Estes Industries Futuristic 2014 - 2016 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Dark Silver 7229 Estes Industries Futuristic 2014 - 2016 Solid Under construction
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Deep Space Transport 2034 Estes Industries Futuristic 1990 - 1995 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Defender 1924 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1984 - 1987 Solid 03.10.2008 Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Deluxe Big Red Max 1403 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1978 - 1982 Solid 1981 Operational View log (2)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This is my third model rocket purchased in 1979 as a starter set. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Demon 1258 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 1979 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Catalog No.: K-58 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Der Big Red Max 9721 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2021 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Status:
Count: |
Der Big Red Max Super 9721 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2021 Under construction
1 |
This build will have a lengthened body tube and called "Der Super Big Red Max" as an upscale to kit #1403. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Der Big Red Max Super 9721 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2021 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
I have an additional body tube as this rocket will be lengthened as an up-scale version of the original "Deluxe Big Red Max".
This kit resides in SC USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Der Red Max 0651 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 1986 Solid 1983 Operational View log (1)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: KC-2 |
This rocket was built in March 1982. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Der Red Max 0651 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2007 - 2008 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Der Red Max 0651 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 1986 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: KC-2 |
I will build this kit using an 18" body tube, same as the version that came with the starter set. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Dragonfly 0875 Estes Industries Boost Glider 1986 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
EAC Membership Kit 1447 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1972 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This set includes the Viper rocket #820. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Eclipse 0846 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1980 - 1987 Solid Operational
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Picture gallery:
Another air shot |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Eclipse 0846 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1980 - 1987 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Eggspress 1996 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1988 - 1991 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Thanks to Steve K. from Michigan, USA for the gift. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: |
Eliminator XL (solo) 1460 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2012 - ? Solid 03.12.2015 Operational
1 |
This is a ready to fly kit. You just have to twist the three sections together. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Eliminator XL Launch Set 1460 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2012 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
This kit resides in South Carolina USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Esam-58 0661 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2019 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... This is a Hobby Lobby exclusive kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Esam-58 0661 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2019 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... This is a Hobby Lobby exclusive kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Estes Starliner 0863 Estes Industries Sport Flier Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Has a standard price tag $4.75 US and a "Special" price tag $2.00 US. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Exocet & IQSY Tomahawk 0874 Estes Industries Scale 1986 - 1989 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Explorer 1974 Estes Industries Futuristic 1987 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I purchased this rocket from LW Bercini on the Model Rocket Forum. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Explorer Aquarius 2016 Estes Industries Futuristic 1989 - 1994 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
F-61 Starfighter 1358 Estes Industries Futuristic 1981 - 1981 Solid Under construction
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Farside 1212 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1963 - 1980 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... Estes' first 3-stage model rocket.
Old Kit No.: K-12
This is the standard payload version.
K-12x had a large diameter payload section. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Fat Boy 1273 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1997 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
I want to build an upscale "Goony Bird" rocket with one of the kits. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: |
Fat Boy 2139 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1997 - 2003 Solid 21.11.2003 Operational View log (25)
1 |
I purchased this kit (4th Nov. 2003) at Michaels for $15.99 only to find the same kit a day later at WAL*MART for only $8.88! :-O
This kit resides in South Carolina, USA.
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Fat Boy 2139 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1997 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Firefly 1280 Estes Industries Glider 1976 - 1980 Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Firefly 1280 Estes Industries Glider 1976 - 1980 Items mint (opened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Firehawk 2014 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1989 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Firehawk 2014 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1989 - 1990 Solid 07.05.2016 Operational View log (1)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Fletcher 2444 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2012 - 2015 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Trivia: |
Flip Flyer 2416 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 2015 - ? Solid 04.06.2015 Operational View log (8)
1 Helicopter recovery |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Flying Saucer 1947 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1985 - 1987 Solid Operational
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Fusion X25 3205 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2010 - 2013 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Galactic Taxi 1914 Estes Industries Futuristic 1983 - 1984 Solid Under construction
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Gemini Titan 1978 Estes Industries Scale 1987 - 1988 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Gemini Titan 1978 Estes Industries Scale 1987 - 1988 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I purchased a big box of spare rocket parts and to my surprise this rocket was included! |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Geo Sat LV 1977 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1987 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Gnome 0886 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 This version (1993 and onwards) comes with a chrome colored body tube and blue plastic parts. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Gyroc 1224 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1965 - 1983 Solid Under construction
1 Gene Street JimZ Rocket Plan... Spin recovery rocket.
Old Kit No.: K-24 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: |
Helio Copter 1995 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1988 - 1996 Solid 27.09.2008 Operational View log (2)
1 |
This kit has helicopter nose cone recovery. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Helio Copter 1995 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1988 - 1996 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Helio Copter 2809 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1988 - 1996 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 |
2 of the kits are German boxed versions. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Hercules 1377 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1982 - 1995 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Kit is missing the hang tag. Instructions has handwritten notes. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Hijax 2105 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1995 - 2000 Solid Operational View log (4)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Hitch-Hiker Glider 9050 Estes Industries Glider 1986 - 1987 Solid Operational
1 |
Picture gallery:
Hitch-Hiker mounted on a Big Red Max rocket |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Hitch-Hiker Glider 9050 Estes Industries Glider 1986 - 1987 Glider Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Honest John 1227 Estes Industries Scale 1966 - 1979 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Scale detail provided by G. Harry Stein
1/24 scale
Old Kit No.: K-27 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Honest John 1227 Estes Industries Scale 1966 - 1979 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Scale detail provided by G. Harry Stein
1/24 scale
Old Kit No.: K-27 |
Price Tag: KAY-BEE $4.50 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Honest John 1919 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1984 - 1988 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Honest John 7240 Estes Industries Scale 2019 - 2021 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 1:14 Scale model |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Icarus 1277 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1976 - 1983 Solid 1981 Operational View log (11)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This is one of my earliest model rockets that I built in 1981.
In March 2011 I decided to repair the fins and completely repaint the model.
Here a picture before I begann the restoration:
Click me...
It had gone through some tough times.
On 7th October, 2013 I decided to retire this old rocket.
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Icarus 1277 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1976 - 1983 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This kit has a black paper header card which suggest it was manufactured between 1979 - 1983.
Balsa Fin Sheet |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Interceptor 1250 Estes Industries Futuristic 2008 - 2011 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 JimZ Rocket Plan... Re-release of K-50 kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Interceptor 1250 Estes Industries Futuristic 2008 - 2011 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Re-release of K-50 kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Interceptor E 1350 Estes Industries Futuristic 2008 - 2011 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... This rocket flies on E powered engines. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Interceptor II 1973 Estes Industries Futuristic 1987 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Interceptor II 1973 Estes Industries Futuristic 1987 - 1988 Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I purchased this rocket from LW Bercini on the Model Rocket Forum. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Iris 2007 Estes Industries Scale 1989 - 1993 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Javelin / Super Flea 0815 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1973 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Javelin / Super Flea 0815 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1973 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... mini-BRUTE Series |
Price Tag: Toy Country U.S.A. $2.17 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Jayhawk 2085 Estes Industries Scale 1993 - 1996 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... Estes Pro Series
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Jayhawk 2085 Estes Industries Scale 1993 - 1996 Solid Under construction
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... Estes Pro Series |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Jetliner 3230 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 2013 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Jupiter-C 1976 Estes Industries Scale 1987 - 1989 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
One of my two kits has a cut on the back of the bag and needed to be taped. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Kadet 1328 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1979 - 1986 Solid 01.09.1980 Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Build time for this kit was 3 hours.
The body tube is showing it's age as it has turned brown :-(
Picture gallery:
Kadet + Bigfoot launch pad taken in fall 1982
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Kadet 1328 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1979 - 1986 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: |
L.G.M. 0095 2485 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2013 - 2016 Solid 11.12.2015 Operational View log (3)
1 |
This kit also uses a #2257 Booster-55 booster stage (as pictured) that can increase the altitude by "800" feet!
This rocket resides in South Carolina USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
LEO Space Plane 7285 Estes Industries Futuristic 2020 - 2022 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
LEO Space Plane 7285 Estes Industries Futuristic 2020 - 2022 Solid Under construction
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
LTV Scout 1287 Estes Industries Scale 1977 - 1981 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Mike Dorffler JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/24 scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
LTV Scout 1287 Estes Industries Scale 1977 - 1981 Solid Under construction
1 Mike Dorffler JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/24 scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Liberty 1989 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1988 - 1991 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Little Joe I 7255 Estes Industries Scale 2019 - 2022 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 1/34th scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Little Joe II 7227 Estes Industries Scale 2016 - 2019 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Little Joe II Mini 0892 Estes Industries Scale 1991 - 1992 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Loadstar 1760 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1994 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
The kit was Re-Released and included in the Estes catalogs 2002 and 2003. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Loadstar 1760 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1994 - 1998 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I will use a normal tube with silver sticker for this kit as the clear payload tube was used to clone the Maxi Icarus. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Long Tom 3016 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2010 - ? Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
MX Missile 1916 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1984 - 1985 Solid Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: |
Magician 2440 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2010 Solid 01.07.2013 Operational View log (2)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Magician 2440 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2010 Solid Mint (unopened)
5 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: |
Mammoth 9708 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2015 - 2017 Solid 08.12.2017 Operational View log (6)
1 |
It uses dual deploy recovery.
This rocket resides in South Carolina USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Mammoth 9708 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2015 - 2017 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Manta 2097 Estes Industries Boost Glider 1994 - 1998 Solid Operational
1 |
I lost the glider that goes with the rocket while moving to another location :-( |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Marauder 1922 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1984 - 1987 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Mars Lander K-43 Estes Industries Futuristic 1969 - 1983 Solid Items mint (opened)
2 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This is the Estes Mars Lander K-43. The kits are in mint shape though no shrink wrap. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Maxi Alpha 3 1903 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2011 Solid 04.06.2011 Operational View log (19)
1 Bruce Paton and Keith Niskern with some kit involvement from Wayne Kellner Ye Olde Rocket Plan... New D and E engine version. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Maxi Alpha 3 1903 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2011 Solid 06.05.2013 Operational View log (10)
1 Bruce Paton and Keith Niskern with some kit involvement from Wayne Kellner Ye Olde Rocket Plan... New D and E engine version. |
I modified this version making the fins removable for easier transport.
Parts laid out
This rocket resides in South Carolina USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Maxi Alpha 3 1903 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2011 - 2019 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bruce Paton and Keith Niskern with some kit involvement from Wayne Kellner Ye Olde Rocket Plan... New D and E engine version. This kit now has a red colored nose cone. |
This kit resides in South Carolina USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Maxi V-2 1267 Estes Industries Scale 1974 - 1981 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... Estes' first blow-molded kit parts / vacuformed fins
1/16.5 scale
Estes Maxi-Brute line |
Construction of the engine mount has been started. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Trivia: |
Maxi V-2 1952 Estes Industries Scale 2002 - 2003 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Wayne Kellner 1/16.5 scale
This is the remake of the old MAXI V-2 for use with either "D" or "E" engines. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Mean Machine 1295 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1978 - 1998 Solid Under construction
1 Mike Dorffler JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Too long for a good photo :-) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Mean Machine 1295 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2007 - 2013 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... "E" engine powered! |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mega Mosquito 1335 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2011 - 2014 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mega Mosquito 1335 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2011 - 2014 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mercury Atlas 2111 Estes Industries Scale 1995 - 1998 Solid Items mint (opened)
2 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Mercury Redstone 1241 Estes Industries Scale 1969 - 1981 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: K-41.htm |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Mercury Redstone 1241 Estes Industries Scale 1969 - 1981 Solid Under construction
1 Gene Street JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: K-41
1/42 scale. |
The kit uses a balsa nose cone with paper capsule details!
Picture gallery:
Capsule still under construction |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mercury Redstone 1921 Estes Industries Scale 1984 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mercury Redstone 1921 Estes Industries Scale 1984 - 1990 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Kit is missing the face card and the hang tag otherwise complete.
Has a price tag $12.95 US. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mercury Redstone 2167 Estes Industries Scale 2001 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Meteor 2801 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1991 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
This is the German boxed version #2801 (#227001) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: |
Meteor 2801 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1991 Solid 14.02.2021 Operational
1 |
This is the German boxed version #2801 (#227001) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Cobra 0898 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1992 - 1996 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
All body tubes have creases and need to be replaced. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Der Big Red Max 2445 Estes Industries Sport Flier Solid 08.06.2013 Operational View log (2)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This is a lengthened version of the Mini Max. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Honest John 2446 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 2011 - ? Solid Mint (unopened)
4 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Mars Lander 0881 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1987 - 1988 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Mars Lander 0881 Estes Industries Futuristic 1987 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Max 2445 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2010 Solid Mint (unopened)
7 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This is the version with balsa nose cone and in my opnion has the better decals. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Max 2445 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2010 Solid 08.05.2011 Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
A special thanks goes out to Ken Montanye aka "The Rocket Doctor" for this gift! |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Mean Machine 0865 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1982 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Mini Meanie 1202 Estes Industries Futuristic 2002 - 2005 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Patriot 0896 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1992 - 1996 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Shuttle 1391 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1983 - 1988 Solid Operational View log (1)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Picture gallery:
Air shot from the side |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini Shuttle 1391 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1983 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mini TRI PAK 0866 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1983 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Mini-Bertha 0803 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 1982 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-3 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Mini-Bomarc 0805 Estes Industries Scale 1972 - 1979 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Larry Renger JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-5 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Minuteman 0731 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1989 - 1989 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mongoose 2092 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2008 Solid Mint (unopened)
7 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Mongoose 2092 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2008 Solid 09.08.2012 Operational View log (57)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
All flights are done with dual deploy recovery using my homemade ALTDuino ( altimeter. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Mongoose 2092 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1994 - 2005 Solid 07.08.2016 Operational
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... This is Estes's first kit version. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mongoose 2092 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2008 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mongoose 2092 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2008 Solid 17.07.2016 Operational
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Mongoose 2092 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2008 Solid 14.08.2016 Operational
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
This kit was built for static display in mind however it is flight ready. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Mongoose 2 2092 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2008 Solid 31.08.2012 Operational View log (22)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
It's a 3 stage version and includes my homemade dual deploy altimeter (
This rocket resides in South Carolina USA.
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Mosquito 0801 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 2002 Solid Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-1 |
This is the smallest model in my collection coming in at 9.9cm (3.9") |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Mosquito 0801 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 2002 Solid Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Mosquito 0801 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 2002 Solid Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-1 |
My Donald Duck version. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Mosquito 0801 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 2002 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Kit No.: TK-1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Multi-ROC 1329 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 2019 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
National Aerospace Plane 2037 Estes Industries Futuristic 1990 - 1994 Solid Mint (unopened)
5 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Nike Ajax 1279 Estes Industries Scale 1976 - 1980 Solid 1983 Operational
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/12.4 scale |
What is wrong in the above picture? |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Nike Ajax 1279 Estes Industries Scale 1976 - 1980 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/12.4 scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Nike Apache 7254 Estes Industries Scale 2017 - 2020 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Nike Apache 7254 Estes Industries Scale 2017 - 2020 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/12.45th scale model |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Nike Arrow 0835 Estes Industries Semi-Scale Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Nike Smoke 7247 Estes Industries Scale 2016 - 2020 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 |
One kit resides in the US. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Trivia: |
Nike Smoke 9704 Estes Industries Scale 2012 - 2017 Solid 10.05.2014 Operational View log (4)
1 Pro Series II line.
1:5.5 Scale |
On 17th May 2014 I certified NAR level 1 using a CTI H-163 with this rocket.
I also modified the upper section of the nose cone to incorporate an altimeter which I made and was used for dual deploy recovery. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Nike Smoke 9704 Estes Industries Scale 2012 - 2017 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Pro Series II line.
1:5.5 Scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Trivia: |
Nike Smoke 9704 Estes Industries Scale 2024 Solid 2024.08.29 Operational View log (1)
1 Pro Series II line
1:5.5 Scale
Reissued boxed version |
Paint scheme completed on September 9, 2024 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Nike-Apache 1957 Estes Industries Scale 1986 - 1989 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Nike-X 1270 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1975 - 1984 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I have started to paint this kit as a camouflage scheme although it is not finished. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Nike-X 1270 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1975 - 1984 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Nike-X 1270 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1975 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Nike-X 1270 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1975 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Has a price tag "Special" $4.00 US. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Ninja 0882 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1987 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
No 2. Sky Writer 1260 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2002 - 2008 Solid Operational View log (1)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Designed for Estes by Ken Montanye |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Nomad 1344 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1980 - 1982 Solid Items mint (resealed)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This kit is missing the hang tag. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Nova Payloader 7004 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1986 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 |
I have 2 versions:
English version has the boxed number 7004.
German version has the boxed number 2804.
Picture gallery:
Boxed German version |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Odyssey 1289 Estes Industries Futuristic 1977 - 1982 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Odyssey 1289 Estes Industries Futuristic 1977 - 1982 Solid 1982 Operational View log (1)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I've decided to the retire the Odyssey because it is one of my oldest built rockets in my fleet.
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Odyssey 1289 Estes Industries Futuristic 1977 - 1982 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Price Tag: TOYS "R" US $3.78 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: |
Odyssey 7235 Estes Industries Futuristic 2016 - 2019 Solid Under construction
1 John Boren |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: |
Odyssey 7235 Estes Industries Futuristic 2016 - 2019 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 John Boren |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Olympus 7293 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2019 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... First released as a Hobby Lobby exclusive kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: |
Omloid 2078 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1993 - 1998 Solid 1996 Operational View log (1)
1 Tim Van Milligan |
This rocket resides in South Carolina USA and belongs to my cousin Linda. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: |
Omloid 2078 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1993 - 1998 Solid Operational
1 Tim Van Milligan |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Orange Bullet 7295 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2020 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Vern Estes JimZ Rocket Plan... The Orange Bullet was a prototype to the Astron Scout. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Orange Bullet 7295 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2020 Solid Under construction
1 Vern Estes JimZ Rocket Plan... The Orange Bullet was a prototype to the Astron Scout. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Orbital Transport 1259 Estes Industries Boost Glider 2002 - 2002 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... First Estes kit with parasite glider
Old K-No.: K-42 |
This is a reissue kit from 1969. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Orbital Transport 1259 Estes Industries Boost Glider 2002 - 2002 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... First Estes kit with parasite glider
Old K-No.: K-42 |
Thanks to Allen Madden for the gift. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Outlander 2110 Estes Industries Futuristic 2004 - 2008 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: |
Partizon 9702 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2012 - 2016 Solid 09.03.2024 Operational
1 |
This rocket is built for use with dual deploy recovery electronics and can also carry various sorts of payloads like a GPS transmitter or additional altimeters.
This build began mid 2014 and was completed on March 9th, 2024. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Partizon 9702 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2012 - 2016 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Pathfinder 1997 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1988 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Patriot 0652 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 1984 Solid 1982 Operational View log (2)
1 Wayne Kellner with some kit involvement from John Simmance JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Katalog No.: KC-3 |
This rocket was built sometime in Spring 1982. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Patriot 0652 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Wayne Kellner with some kit involvement from John Simmance JimZ Rocket Plan... Old K-No.: KC-3 |
This is a 70's version as it has a white 2 piece injection molded nose cone.
I love this rocket.
Balsa Fin Sheet |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Patriot 0652 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Wayne Kellner with some kit involvement from John Simmance JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Katalog No.: KC-3 |
Has a Kay-Bee price tag $3.50 US. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Pershing 1-A 1268 Estes Industries Scale 1974 - 1983 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/10 Scale
The first generation of the kit came with a bright orange self-adhesive sheet.
Later Estes switched to an orange water slide decal sheet.
The instructions where changed from "Application of self-adhesive decals" to
"Application of Water-Transfer Decal (A)"
Also, at some point, the "2 Contact Cement Capsule" where no longer included. |
Contents laid out... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Phantom 1207 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1972 - 1996 Solid 1982 Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Display rocket only.
Old K-No.: K-7B |
Visible display rocket with molded clear plastic fins and nose cone from the Alpha III.
This kit is not intended to be flown. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Phantom 1207 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1972 - 1996 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... Old Cat. Nr.: K07 |
This kit was sold without a paper hang tag. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Phoenix 1380 Estes Industries Scale 1982 - 1998 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Phoenix Bird 3024 Estes Industries Sport Flier Solid Items mint (opened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Photon Disruptor 1282 Estes Industries Futuristic 1976 - 1981 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Photon Disruptor 1282 Estes Industries Futuristic 1976 - 1981 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Photon Disruptor 3025 Estes Industries Futuristic 2010 - 2014 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Photon Probe 3026 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2010 - 2016 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
QCC Explorer 3221 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2011 - 2016 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Quasar 0650 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1971 - 1984 Solid 1981 Operational View log (1)
1 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... Old K-No.: KC-1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Quinstar 7241 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 2015 - 2022 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This kit was a freebie from Estes. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Rainmaker 2009 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1989 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Raven 2029 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1991 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Raven 2029 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1991 Solid 16.07.2011 Operational View log (1)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Red Nova 7266 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2017 - 2022 Solid Items mint (resealed)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
RediRoc Invader 2122 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1996 - 1997 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 |
Thanks to Paul at for the freebie! |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
RediRoc Raider 2123 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1996 - 1997 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Reliant 1986 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1988 - 1997 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Rigel 3 1363 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1981 - 1982 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Rogue 0818 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1973 - 1982 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Documents |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Rogue 0818 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1973 - 1982 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Plastic bag is getting brittle.
Documents |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
S.W.A.T. 2017 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1989 - 1993 Solid Mint (unopened)
6 Mike Dorffler JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
SDI Satellite 2802 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1989 - 1992 Solid Mint (unopened)
5 |
This is the German boxed version, Kit. Nr.: 227002
Step by step building instructions
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
SR-71 Blackbird 1942 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1985 - 1995 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I have begun to build this model. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
SR-71 Blackbird 1942 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 2003 - 2010 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
SR-71 Blackbird 7003 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1996 - 1998 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
The kit is missing half the parts but enough to make a watered down SR-71 version.
Thanks to Don from Vermont, USA for the gift! |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
SR-X 2115 Estes Industries Boost Glider 1995 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ron McClaren Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
This is a cool concept scale boost rocket that glides back to earth. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
SS-1C Scud-B 1340 Estes Industries Scale 1980 - 1981 Solid 1982 Operational View log (1)
1 Wayne Kellner with some kit involvement from Keith Niskern JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/20.4 scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
STM-012 7221 Estes Industries Sport Flier Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Sandhawk 1251 Estes Industries Scale 1975 - 1979 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 John Simmance JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/10 scale
Old K-No.: K-51 (1971 - 1974) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Sandhawk 1251 Estes Industries Scale 1975 - 1979 Solid Under construction
1 John Simmance JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/10 scale
Old K-No.: K-51 (1971 - 1974) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Sandpiper 1389 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1983 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Kit has an original price tag $5.95 US and a "Special" price tag $2.50 US. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Saturn 1B 2048 Estes Industries Scale 1991 - 1993 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Gene Street JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Kit is without shrink wrap but otherwise in mint condition. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Saturn 1B 7251 Estes Industries Scale 2021 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 1:100th Scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Saturn V 2001 Estes Industries Scale 1988 - 1994 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Keith Niskern JimZ Rocket Plan... This kit is a redesigned and improved version of the first Saturn V rocket Keith
had designed at Estes. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Saturn V 2157 Estes Industries Scale 2011 - 2011 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Limited edition version. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Saturn V 2157 Estes Industries Scale 2011 - 2011 Solid 16.06.2023 Operational
1 Limited edition. |
The model was modified to fly on a cluster of 4 engines e.g. C6-5.
This rocket resides in South Carolina USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Trivia: |
Saturn V RTF 2160 Estes Industries Scale 2019 Solid 2019.08.30 Operational View log (1)
1 Ready to fly as 1:200th scale. |
This rocket resides in South Carolina USA.
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Saturn V Semi-Scale K-39 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1969 - 1979 Solid Items mint (resealed)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/242 semi-scale
Cat. No. 681-K-39 |
This kit, part of the "Your Free Kit" Promotional Series, has a yellow paper hang tag with the old logo and was manufactured in 1969, first release year. Item designation on these kits used K-Numbers and they are referred to as pre Damon kits.
I'm proud to have this kit.
Picture gallery:
Face card |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Saturn V Skylab 1973 Estes Industries Scale 2021 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Limited Edition. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Scamp 1286 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1977 - 1982 Solid 1981 Operational View log (1)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... This rocket originally came from the Coldpower line. |
This one has had several flights and is a bit beat up. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Scamp 1286 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1977 - 1982 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... This rocket originally came from the Coldpower line. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Scissor Wing Transport 1265 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1974 - 1985 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner with some kit involvement from Ed Brown JimZ Rocket Plan... Estes' first swing-wing model kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Scissor Wing Transport 1265 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2004 - 2008 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... New and improved swing wing pivot mechanism. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Scorpion 1333 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1980 - 1988 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This is a 2 stage rocket. Picture shows seperation. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Scorpion 1333 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1980 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Scout 1201 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1961 - 1985 Solid Operational
1 Vern Estes JimZ Rocket Plan... Estes' first model rocket
It uses tumble recovery
United States Patent 3114317 "Model Rocket"
Old K-No.: K-1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Scout 1201 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1961 - 1985 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Vern Estes JimZ Rocket Plan... Estes' first model rocket
It uses tumble recovery
United States Patent 3114317 "Model Rocket"
Old K-No.: K-1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Scout II 1959 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1986 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Scout III 0878 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1992 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
3rd updated version and powered by mini engines. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Screaming Eagle 2117 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2006 - 2014 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Sea Dart 1901 Estes Industries Scale 1983 - 1984 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Kit is missing the instructions and face card. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Sentinal 1987 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1988 - 1994 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Sidekick 7287 Estes Industries Cluster 2020 - 2022 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Silver Comet 2141 Estes Industries Futuristic 1997 - 2000 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Ron McClaren Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Silver Streak 2027 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1991 Solid Mint (unopened)
7 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Silver Streak 2027 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1990 - 1991 Solid Operational View log (8)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
I purchased this already built rocket on eBay from the seller "jharding58". |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Sizzler 1906 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1983 - 1985 Solid Under construction
1 Ron McClaren JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Sizzler Elite Starter Kit 1432 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1983 - 1985 Solid Under construction
1 Ron McClaren JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I got this on eBay. The starter set was shipped lose and the body tube was quite beat up. It's easily replaced though.
Most importantly the decal is in some what good shape. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Skinny Mini 0880 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1987 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
4 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Skinny Mini 0880 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1987 - 1990 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Sky Hook 1208 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1963 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Bill Simon JimZ Rocket Plan... Old K-No.: K-8 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: |
SkyWinder 2077 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1993 - 2002 Solid Operational View log (2)
1 Tim Van Milligan |
I like to fly this cool rocket because it has helicopter recovery :-) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: |
SkyWinder 2077 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1993 - 2002 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Tim Van Milligan |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Soaring Eagle 1373 Estes Industries Boost Glider 1982 - 1986 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This kit has been opened to check items inside. For some unkown reason the thin plastic for the sails has disintergrated. However I was real lucky to come up with a replacement. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Solar Flare 2401 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2008 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
This is a 2 stage rocket with the booster using a standard engine and the upper stage using a mini engine. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Solar Probe 2051 Estes Industries Futuristic 1991 - 1993 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Solar Sailer 1297 Estes Industries Futuristic 1978 - 1980 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Space Eagle 3209 Estes Industries Futuristic 2010 - 2014 Solid Mint (unopened)
5 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Space Eagle 3209 Estes Industries Futuristic 2010 - 2014 Solid Under construction
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Space Racer 2039 Estes Industries Futuristic Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Space Ship One 2191 Estes Industries Scale 2004 - 2009 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Space Shuttle 1284 Estes Industries Scale 1976 - 1998 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner Ye Olde Rocket Plan... 1/162 scale |
Pre 1979 Decal (300 DPI)
Version "A" Decal (300 DPI)
Version "A" Decal (600 DPI) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Space Shuttle 1284 Estes Industries Scale 1976 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Wayne Kellner Ye Olde Rocket Plan... 1/162 scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Space Shuttle 1284 Estes Industries Scale 1976 - 1998 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner Ye Olde Rocket Plan... 1/162 scale |
This kit was a gift from a modeler who had begun with the assembly. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Space Shuttle 1284 Estes Industries Scale 1976 - 1998 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Wayne Kellner Ye Olde Rocket Plan... 1/162 scale |
This kit is a version made for "robbe" in the mid 80's I believe.
It has a very well written German instruction manual.
Price tag on this kit is 71 DM. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Space Shuttle 1284 Estes Industries Scale 1976 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Wayne Kellner Ye Olde Rocket Plan... 1/162 scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Space Shuttle Columbia 1385 Estes Industries Scale 1982 - 1989 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Space Shuttle Columbia 1385 Estes Industries Scale 1982 - 1989 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This model was signed by space shuttle astronaut Anne Lee Fischer. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Space Shuttle Orbiter 1337 Estes Industries Scale 1980 - 1981 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Keith Niskern with some kit involvement from Bruce Paton Ye Olde Rocket Plan... 1/87 sclae |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Space Shuttle Sarter Set 1441 Estes Industries Scale 1988 - 1991 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 German boxed version. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Space Shuttle Starter Set 1467 Estes Industries Glider 1995 - 2000 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
In Europe Cat. Nr.: 301467 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Space Shuttle Starter Set 1467 Estes Industries Glider 1995 - 2000 Solid Under construction
1 |
In Europe Cat. Nr.: 301467 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Spin Fin 1355 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1981 - 1986 Solid Operational View log (1)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
The model spins while shooting skywards giving it a nice swirling smoke trail. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Spin Fin 1355 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1981 - 1986 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Star Orbiter 9716 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2015 Solid Mint (unopened)
5 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Star Orbiter 9716 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2015 Solid 17.07.2016 Operational View log (9)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This rocket resides in South Carolina USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Star Rider 2010 Estes Industries Futuristic 1989 - 1992 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: |
Star Trek Klingon Battle Cruiser 1274 Estes Industries Futuristic 1975 - 1979 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Wayne Kellner |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: |
Star Trek Klingon Battle Cruiser 1274 Estes Industries Futuristic 1975 - 1979 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner |
Instructions |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: |
Star Trek Klingon Battle Cruiser 1274 Estes Industries Futuristic 1975 - 1979 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Wayne Kellner |
This is the "25th Anniversary Commemorative Special Edition" version.
I had bought it cheap for spare parts but now I'm not sure if I want to tear this kit apart. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Star Trek Starship Enterprise 1275 Estes Industries Futuristic 1975 - 1979 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Star Trek Starship Enterprise 1275 Estes Industries Futuristic 1975 - 1979 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Star Trek Starship Enterprise 1275 Estes Industries Futuristic 1992 - 1996 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... Commemorative were re-released in 1992 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of
Star Trek. The flying rocket kit originally appeared in 1975. |
I purchased this rocket kit from Ebay UK on 18. Sept., 2012.
It will undergo a complete restoration. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Star Trek Starter Kit 1418 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1976 - 1978 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 This is the first known use of the fin can. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Star Trek Starter Kit 1418 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1976 - 1978 Solid Operational
1 This is the first known use of the fin can. |
Built Estes #1418 Star Trek Starter set that included a 1977 catalog.
Picture gallery:
In the air shot |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Star Trek Starter Kit 1418 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1976 - 1978 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 This is the first known use of the fin can. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Star Trek Starter Kit 1418 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1976 - 1978 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 This is the first known use of the fin can. |
Decal (600 DPI) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: |
Star Wars Deathstar 2143 Estes Industries Futuristic 1997 - 1998 Solid 08.05.2011 Operational
1 |
I purchased this kit because the "Deathstar" blows-up in 4 pieces each recovered via streamer, very cool :-) |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Star Wars R2-D2 1301 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1978 - 1980 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
The dom is painted in silver. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Star Wars R2-D2 2104 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1994 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Star Wars R2-D2 2104 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1984 - 1998 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Kit is missing the face card. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Star Wars TIE Fighter 1299 Estes Industries Futuristic 1978 - 1980 Solid Under construction
1 Keith Niskern with some kit involvement from Wayne Kellner and Bruce Paton Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Star Wars TIE Fighter 1299 Estes Industries Futuristic 1978 - 1980 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Keith Niskern with some kit involvement from Wayne Kellner and Bruce Paton Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Bag has slightly opened at the bottom seam and needed to be taped. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Star Wars TIE Fighter 2102 Estes Industries Futuristic 1994 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: |
Star Wars X-Wing Fighter 1298 Estes Industries Futuristic 1978 - 1980 Solid Under construction
1 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Wayne Kellner and Bruce Paton |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Star Wars X-Wing Fighter 1810 Estes Industries Futuristic 1998 - 1998 Solid Operational
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Star Wars X-Wing Fighter 2103 Estes Industries Futuristic 1994 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: |
Star Wars X-Wing Fighter (Maxi) 1302 Estes Industries Futuristic 1978 - 1980 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Keith Niskern with some kit involvement from Mike Dorffler and Bruce Paton |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: |
Star Wars X-Wing Fighter (Maxi) 1302 Estes Industries Futuristic 1978 - 1980 Solid Under construction
1 Keith Niskern with some kit involvement from Mike Dorffler and Bruce Paton |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Star Wars X-Wing Fighter Starter Outfit 1422 Estes Industries Futuristic 1978 - 1980 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Wayne Kellner and Bruce Paton. |
Engines included in this starter kit are:
1 x C6-5 dated Dec 5, 1976
2 x B4-2 dated Feb 6, 1977 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Star Wars X-Wing Fighter Starter Outfit 1422 Estes Industries Futuristic 1978 - 1980 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Mike Dorffler with some kit involvement from Wayne Kellner and Bruce Paton. |
Engines included in this starter kit are:
1 x C6-5 dated Dec 5, 1976
2 x B4-2 dated Feb 6, 1977 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Starbird 1954 Estes Industries Futuristic 1986 - 1991 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Starlab 1288 Estes Industries Futuristic 1977 - 1980 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Picture gallery:
This kit is also from Estes but additionally packed in a box for Mattel |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Starlab 1288 Estes Industries Futuristic 1977 - 1980 Solid Under construction
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Starship Nova 7262 Estes Industries Futuristic 2017 - 2019 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Stealth 1929 Estes Industries Futuristic 1984 - 1991 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Stealth 1929 Estes Industries Futuristic 1984 - 1991 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
StormCaster 1301 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2002 - 2012 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
StormCaster 1301 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2002 - 2012 Solid Under construction
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Strike Fighter 2015 Estes Industries Futuristic 1989 - 1993 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Strike Fighter 2015 Estes Industries Futuristic 1989 - 1993 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Super Alpha 3216 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2010 - 2014 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 The first releases came with balsa nosecones until a balsa shortage forced Estes to
convert to plastic nose cones.
One kit I have has the balsa nose cone. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Super Alpha RTF 0717 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1985 - 1987 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
This kit has a price tag from Tuesday Morning and sold for $14.99. Retail price was $29.99. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Super Big Bertha 2018 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1989 - 1993 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Super Neon 2050 Estes Industries Futuristic 2008 - 2011 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Super Orbital Transport 7314 Estes Industries Boost Glider 2022 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Super Shot 1449 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1993 - 2003 Solid Operational
1 |
This rocket came with the Super Shot Starter Set and is the same kit as the Bandit (#2060)
Thanks to Don from Vermont, USA for the gift. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Supernova 2011 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1989 - 1994 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
I purchased this rocket from LW Bercini on the Model Rocket Forum. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Supernova 7248 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 2016 - 2022 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Rerelease of item #2011 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Sweet Vee 2116 Estes Industries Boost Glider 1995 - 1998 Solid Under construction
1 Dave Meyers Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Sweet Vee is an R/C Rocket Glider. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Sweet Vee 2116 Estes Industries Boost Glider 1995 - 1998 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Dave Meyers Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
Sweet Vee is an R/C Rocket Glider. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Tercel 3222 Estes Industries Boost Glider 2012 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: Trivia: |
Teros 1285 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1977 - 1982 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Mark Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... This kit originated as a Cold Power kit sold in the early 70's. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Terrier/Sandhawk 2083 Estes Industries Scale 1993 - 1996 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... 1:9.8 Scale |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
The Bat 1362 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1981 - 1984 Solid Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Downloads are avaliable here:
Decal |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
The DUDE 2199 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 2001 - 2003 Solid Operational
1 |
Yip, I had to get this baby :-)
One huge rocket! |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
The DUDE 2199 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 2001 - 2003 Solid Operational
1 |
This rocket resides in SC USA. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Thunderhawk 2002 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1989 - 1996 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Thunderhawk 2808 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1989 - 1996 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 German Catalog No.: 227008 |
This is the German boxed version. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
Titan II 1918 Estes Industries Scale 1984 - 1986 Solid Operational View log (1)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Titan II 1918 Estes Industries Scale 1984 - 1986 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Titan III E 2019 Estes Industries Scale 1989 - 1993 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Titan III E 2019 Estes Industries Scale 1989 - 1993 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
I forgot I had 2 kits so I started with this one. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Tomcat 2086 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1993 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Tornado 2004 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 1989 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Transtar Carrier 1982 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1987 - 1988 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Trident II 2033 Estes Industries Futuristic 1990 - 1991 Solid Mint (unopened)
5 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Reissued version of the classic Estes kit introduced in 1968. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
U.S. Army Patriot M-104 1248 Estes Industries Scale 2003 - 2003 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |
This is a "Launchables" kit and the same as #2056 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Instructions: |
U.S. Army Patriot M-104 2056 Estes Industries Scale 2004 - 2010 Solid 25.04.2011 Operational View log (2)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
U.S. Army Patriot M-104 2056 Estes Industries Scale 2004 - 2010 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
U.S. Army Patriot M-104 2056 Estes Industries Scale 1992 - 1993 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... First released version with one piece body tube. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
U.S. Army Patriot RTF (solo) 1825R Estes Industries Sport Flier 2004 - 2007 Solid Operational
1 |
I purchased this kit solo, only rocket and parachute. It was normally sold as a complete starter set. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: |
U.S. Army Patriot Starter Set 1450 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 1992 - 1994 Solid Operational View log (3)
1 |
This starter set was bought in Florida where I flew several rockets during my vacations.
Picture gallery:
A nice shot from the rear |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
U.S.S. Atlantis 1283 Estes Industries Futuristic 1976 - 1980 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 Wayne Kellner JimZ Rocket Plan... |
A very Star Trek-ish looking model. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
U.S.S.F. Fireflash 1909 Estes Industries Futuristic 1983 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
USS Pleiades 1910 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1983 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This is a real nice 2 stage rocket kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
V-2 1222 Estes Industries Scale 1965 - 1977 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/49 scale
Old K-No.: K-22 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
V-2 1222 Estes Industries Scale 1965 - 1977 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... 1/49 scale
Old K-No.: K-22 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
V2 3228 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 2012 - 2020 Solid Under construction
2 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
V2 3228 Estes Industries Semi-Scale 2012 - 2020 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Vagabond 3217 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2011 - 2016 Solid Mint (unopened)
12 Mike Dorffler and John Boren JimZ Rocket Plan... |
+ Storage 24 + 25 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: Instructions: |
Vagabond 3217 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2011 - 2016 Solid 19.08.2016 Operational View log (1)
1 Mike Dorffler and John Boren JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Vapor 7294 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2019 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... First released as a Hobby Lobby exclusive kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Vapor 7294 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2019 Solid 24.09.2020 Operational
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... First released as a Hobby Lobby exclusive kit. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
Ventris 9701 Estes Industries Sport Flier 2012 - 2017 Solid Under construction
1 Pro Series II line. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Vigilante 1278 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1976 - 1983 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Vigilante 1278 Estes Industries Multi-Stager 1976 - 1983 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
A hole in the bag needed to be sealed.
Kit has a price tag $8.25 US and "Special" price tag $4.00 US. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Viper 0820 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1973 - 1986 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This rocket is exclusively for Estes Aerospace Club members.
I got this box with many items inside e.g. decals and parts for a Vigilante (1278), Sprint (1249) and a complete Viper kit #0820. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Viper 0820 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1973 - 1986 Solid Items mint (opened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This rocket is exclusively for Estes Aerospace Club members. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Voyager II 2000 Estes Industries Futuristic 1988 - 1990 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: Trivia: |
Wac Corporal 1211 Estes Industries Scale 1963 - 1978 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... Estes first scale model rocket
1/16 scale
Old K-No.: K-11 |
Kit has been carefully opened on the top backside to check the items inside. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: |
Wacky Wiggler 2182 Estes Industries Odd-Roc 2003 - 2003 Solid Operational View log (5)
1 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Wizard 1292 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1978 - 2005 Solid Mint (unopened)
2 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
X-15 0889 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1988 - 1989 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
X-15 0889 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1988 - 1989 Solid Under construction
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Nosecone has been painted black. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
X-15 0889 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1988 - 1989 Solid Items mint (opened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Kit is missing the nose cone and the main body tube.
Hang tag has been cut off. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
X-15 RTF 1890 Estes Industries Scale 2006 - 2006 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 This product was recalled, Release #07-319.
Hazard: The model rocket's side or engine retainer ring can separate and cause the
rocket to fall without the nose cone separating and the parachute deploying,
posing a risk of an impact injury to nearby consumers.
1:44 scale version of the North American Aviation hypersonic rocket plane. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Completed: Status:
Count: Trivia: |
X-15 RTF Starter Set 1412 Estes Industries Scale 2006 - 2006 Solid 26.03.2012 Operational
1 This product was recalled, Release #07-319.
Hazard: The model rocket's side or engine retainer ring can separate and cause the
rocket to fall without the nose cone separating and the parachute deploying,
posing a risk of an impact injury to nearby consumers.
I will make modifications to guarantee safe recovery. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status: Flights:
Count: Designer: |
X-15 Rocket Plane RTF 0715 Estes Industries Scale 1977 - 1984 Solid Operational View log (2)
1 Larry Renger |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
X-Ray 1218 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1965 - 1985 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Xarconian Destroyer 1903 Estes Industries Futuristic 1983 - 1984 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Price tag shows $5.66 |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Yankee 1381 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1982 - 2004 Solid Mint (unopened)
3 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Yankee Clipper 1443 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1988 - 1993 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 Ye Olde Rocket Plan... |
This rocket comes from the Estes Space Program Membership Set.
The main body tube is in bad shape and needs to be replaced. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: Instructions: |
Yellow Jacket 2008 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1989 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 JimZ Rocket Plan... |
This is the German boxed version Kit-Nr.: 227005. |
Model name: Product No.: Manufacturer: Type: Available: Propulsion: Status:
Count: |
Zinger 1917 Estes Industries Sport Flier 1984 - 1998 Solid Mint (unopened)
1 |